Saturday, October 6, 2012

Another Summit elections board deadlock?

The Summit County  Board of Elections meeting on Tuesday could  provide one more chapter in the ongoing Theater of the Absurd for the early voting issue.  The 6th Circuit  Court of Appeals in Cincinnati set the stage for more pratfalls by the GOP contingent on the board when it  said that although early voting was OK, it was up to the local boards to decide whether they wanted to open their doors the week end before the election.

Given the state-leading deadlocks on the Summit Board, the appellate ruling  could very well provide the two  Republican members with just the excuse it wanted to block minorities from casting early ballots during that final critical  weekend.  A 2-2  tie would thrust the issue into the lap of the very person who created the problem in the first place, the Caesar-like Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted.

When Wayne Jones, a Democrat, recently called for a vote on the extended week end hours, Republican Ray Weber, County Republican boss Alex Arshinkoff's surrogate, walked away from the table, saying there was no quorum to vote on it in the absence of Arshinkoff, who is recovering from injuries sustained in an auto accident.

There's no certainty that Arshinkoff is well enough to return to the board on Tuesday, so Weber may again deliver the dagger to the Democrat's proposal.

Isn't  this fun?  Trouble is, folks, now that the Republicans'  guardians of democracy can no longer malinger in their insistence on wiping out fraud where none exists, they are hanging over the cliff with other con jobs  to win the presidential election.

C'mon, you vote purifiers.   I've played enough poker to know when somebody is bluffing to win the big pot.  Considering the guys sitting around the poker table  in my hometown, you fellows are no more than troublesome amateurs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Arshinkoff is not well enough to attend the meetings, shouldn't he resign or at least be removed so the board can conduct its business? They should hold the next meeting or the one next at the hospital he is in. If he is incapacitated , he should be gone. Taxpayers are paying for his health care for something he can't do - show up for a meeting.