Thursday, May 20, 2010

The GOP brand: Witless anti-porn gambit

THE CONGRESSIONAL REPUBLICANS who are having trouble keeping their holier colleagues from engaging in sinful adultery are turning to pornographic trick plays to block Democratic bills that have nothing at all to do with prurient interest.

The latest GOP downer from Indiana is that Rep. Mark Souder, an evangelical Christian who was making a video with a staffer that championed family values and abstinence has resigned after word got out that he was having an affair with said staffer who was assisting him in the video. They were obviously setting out on a video career with hands-on experience.

But up on the Hill, Republican congressmen are attaching anti-porn amendments to important bills in a way that would embarrass Democrats if the bills ever passed. We've heard of obstructionist tactics in the past, but whatever old white guys thought up the porn gambit will doubtless be hailed as a cavalry leader of a witless gang of political nomads. I can only conclude that these fellows get some kind of subliminal pleasure from invoking sex as a legislative ruse. But you do have to wonder whether the country wouldn't be a lot farther ahead with its important business at hand if the GOPers spent even more time with their girlfriends instead of trying to be so mindlessly clever in their day jobs.


joeclarke said...

After stumbling upon grumpyabe, I can end my research finding out when the Akron Canadian Bacon Journal finally became so sour, dour, bitter, sadly liberal, and rendered totally irrelevent. Abe has had a lot to do with it. Goodbye dinosaur media - NY Times, Beacon Journal et al. You knoe if you play the devil's advocate long enough, you become the devil.

PJJinOregon said...

Let's face it. Either pro or con, the GOP has sex on it collective mind. It's one of the few characteristics that make them look and sound human.

On a different (?) topic, I nominate Rand Paul for the GALL all star team. Thus far, he has made negative headlines on a daily basis. Go Rand.

Grumpy Abe said...

Who's on second, PJ?

And while I'm at it, Joe, after reading your comments, I think "stumbling" is the appropriate word. But thanks anyway for the memory inasmuch as I left the BJ nearly 20 years ago, long long before the Canadian publisher bought the paper. Got that?

fargo said...

@joe....funny...if you aren't fond of the Beacon you actually have a lot more in common with Grumpy Abe than you might guess.

BTW...I notice you are a fan of Dan Quayle spell the word "know" with an "E" on the end of it just like our former VP used to spell "potato".