Not being geographically correct, I looked up Mason and found it to be just north of Cincinnati. It once again upheld southwestern Ohio's miserable record of sending wingies into public service. Mason also is the home of the Voice of America Museum, which is not something Beck is in any position to brag about given the awful mess he's in.
According to Beck's lawyer, Konrad Kircher, his client is prepared to offer a "vigorous defense" when the case reaches the courtroom. Not original, but what else can a defense lawyer say?
As for the Stand your Ground proposal, it was headed by Republican State Rep. Terry Johnson, who is from McDermott ( pop. ca. 400), down in Scioto County north of Portsmouth. We're told, however, that it does have a Post Office.
Geography is becoming far more important in Ohio these days as the state retreats into an agrarian society. There is growing evidence of the handiwork of the legislative rustics who are setting the pace for your state and mine. As we've noted in previous posts, even the Ohio Republican Party prefers landscapes with barns.
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