Thursday, January 17, 2013

What's that? Obama wants another crisis?

The always-amusing Kevin O'Brien, the Plain Dealer's way-over-on-the-right deputy editorial page editor, today joined  those who are bashing President Obama's initiative on the gun issue.  Ignoring the NRA's blitzkrieg  against Obama,   O'Brien's quaint spin is that the president "doing his best to create a crisis" and unsurpsingly for Kevin,  worked in something about Obama's support of abortion.

That's as far as I got before turning to the comic pages to justify my cost of the day's paper. A fair question:  Do you want to believe O'Brien,  or do you want to believe the folks on the other side, including Ronald Reagan, Antonin Scalia, Rupert Murdoch,  Colin Powell and all of those law-enforcement agencies?

NOTE:  My column on the Ohio political races has been posted on Plunderbund

1 comment:

PJJinOregon said...

Abe, consider yourself lucky. Your paper offers two pages of comics; it's just that one of them is misnamed.