Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Will UA Board reevaluate Arshinkoff's contract?

WEDNESDAY could be a critical day in the life and times of Summit County Republican Chairman Alex Arshinkoff's $120,000 lobbying contract with the University of Akron. I'm told by a couple of sources that UA's Board of Trustees probably will "reevaluate" the controversial contract in executive session. Although the board could be equally divided between Republicans and Democrats, there are plenty of negative feelings around town by the D's and R's that his continued presence in the subcontracted lobbying mix has not won the University any style points.

One thing is certain : if word of the trustees' possible action has reached Arshinkoff, he will be quite busy lobbying his powerful friends to head it off. A deadlock by the board in executive session would leave his job unchanged, and no more would be said about it in the regular session that followed it tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He'll probably stay on. His supporters will cite Wayne Jones as a party chairman and the contract with Roetzel and Andres as University lobbyists. Plus, with a seat vacant Kasich will eventually put an Arshinkoff crony in. They'll focus on his ability to get access to the power players rather than his qualifications.