Friday, September 11, 2009

Rushbo wildly out of control over Joe Wilson

WOULD SOMEBODY please tell Rush Limbaugh to get back on his meds? The film clip of him shouting that Joe Wilson should not have apologized to President Obama was an astonishing spectacle of a person totally out of control. Rushbo appeared to have live wires attached to his buttocks as he bounded on his chair and flung his arms in every direction to emphasize his displeasure with Wilson's retreat. It recalled, however, the apologies that some Republicans offered the Great White Whale for disagreeing with his preeminent stature in the GOP. Rushbo thought those concessions were just fine.


Anonymous said...

Rush is the Republican Party's Communication Director. Joe Wilson has gone off message and shall now suffer the wrath of Tea Partiers and Dittoheads alike until he retracts his apology. Joe Wilson is on course to retract and campaign on his message of "You Lie!".

Unknown said...

In the meantime, Wilson's opponent and would-be successor, is raising money off Wilson's behavior like there's no tomorrow--$800,000 and counting on alone.

PJJinOregon said...

So who's your boss now, Rep. Wilson? Apologize to the House at large and Rushbo will skewer you with sharp words. Don't apologize and face an official resolution of disapproval from the House. I suspect that Rushbo constitutes the greater threat, so Wilson will remain silent except for bragging at his campaign rallies next fall. As usual, Anonymous got it right first. Good show.

fargo said...

I have a friend that lives in Wilsons district. She says Wilson has become a hero there and is raking in large amounts of cash nationally. I doubt he apologizes...that is a safe district...he has a cult following now...he gains nothing by further apologizing.