Thursday, May 21, 2015

From UA: Take that, John S. Knight

OK, class.  Whose dumb idea  was it for the University of Akron, a public enterprise, to withhold information from the media (read: public info)  about  the rebranding studies by four consultants  paid from  an unrestricted   foundation grant bearing the name of the late John S. Knight?

For the enlightenment of the campus newcomers on the block, no one was more  aggressive about press freedom than Knight, but  the $111,000 from the grant did just the opposite.  How ironic.  How dumb. (And we didn't even mention those four presidents of northern Ohio public universities who strongly criticized  new UA president Scott Scarborough for references to Ohio State University and Miami University of Ohio as the the standards to achieve  his lone wolf  "repositioning"  plan!)

Let the symposium begin.

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