Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Oops. State orders UA to repay $4.1 million to students

What are we to think of the disclosure that the state has ordered the University of
Akron to refund to students $4.1 million in  unwarranted fees?

 Was it human error.?  Was it a case of haste making waste in addressing a $60 million deficit?  Or, based  on the track record of the Scarborough regime,  was it another instance of rank mismanagement that has dogged the University since the leadership changed hands  in June 2014?

The foul-up grew out of UA's increase from $18.55 per credit hour to $28.50 as facilities fees in its effort to trim the deficit.   However, state officials ruled that facilities fees qualified as general fees,  and thus violated  a state tuition freeze.

Jeff Robinson , a spokesman  for the Ohio Department of Education, was quoted on  (where you will find more details) , as saying  that he knew of no other public university "facing the same issue this year".

We hope that will find a spot in Scott Scarborough's resume if the  Board  of Trustees finally decides not be silently embarrassed much longer.

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