When the word got out from the town hall meeting that he was talking to, a lot of ca-ca hit the national fan. Through an aide, Sullivan, an oil-state conservative, apologized for what the aide described as a "poor choice of words" that were "off-the cuff". To a town hall meeting of constituents?
But there may be an explanation for his misbehavior drawn from his own on-line bio. It notes that "Oklahoma ranks as one of the top states in the nation in the number of people struggling with mental illness - almost 1/4th of the population of the state"
Do you think...? Naw. Besides it was off-the cuff.
I worked with the mentally ill for over 31 years. To make that inference is an insult to the mentally ill. Congressman John Sullivan is just a mean, rotten, not to mention stupid, little S.O.B.
Only one-fourth?!? Could it be all those fumes they've been breathing over the years from the hydrocarbons emitted by the oil wells?
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