THE DONALD IS BACK! Donald Trump, birther, BS artist and the only person with a bigger ego than Newt Gingrich, will be the host of still another debate before the Jan. 3 Iowa caucus. The Dec. 27 event, which will hype Trump more than the woebegone GOP candidates, will be in Des Moines and sponsored by Newsmax, a very conservative outfit that has puffed up Trump with a number of friendly references to his singular importance to the conservative cause. I think the Newsmax crowd would really like to see him back in the race, for which Trump is especially grateful. It keeps reminding everybody - including him - how really important he is.
Actually, this may be a first for a potential presidential candidate: Interrogating the others who would be his opponents as he does job applicants on his TV show. His ego could reach beyond the point of no return by looking at, say, Michele Bachmann and asserting, "You're fired."
For some reason, I am besieged by e-mails from Newsmax with warnings from a Dr. David Brownstein, often challenging the conventional wisdom of medical science. The latest warning is to avoid flu shots. Something about mercury in the serum. Or, "The one thing you do for your prostate every morning." Other than taking it with you when you go for a long walk, I don't know what Newsmax is proposing. Didn't open up the text.
Each day, scary health tips for someone like me, who was under the wing of two uncles who were very good physicians. But even scarier is the fact that The Donald is sitting in front of a TV camera and measuring the worth of each candidate on stage. Upstaging them, really.
But as the call from the control room softly summons the conductor the moments before the opera:
"Maestro to the pit. Maestro to the pit."
In this Des Moines opera buffa, Trump is handed the baton.
On Monday, Dec. 5th's NBC Today Show (only given a platform because he has an idiotic reality show on the same network-also a new book, just in time for Christmas), The Hairboy referred to Huntsman and Paul as "joke candidates" due to their reluctance to appear on what they described as something "beneath the office of the presidency" and "contributing to the unwanted circus-like atmosphere".
Joke candidates.
This is Trump speaking.
Isn't there some old saying about the pot and the kettle?
He also predicted that the ratings for this "event" would be "tremendous".
And isn't what this is really all about?
Donald Trump always deals in superlatives about his success as a businessman, his worth as a political activist and his huge following on his reality show. He told MSNBC's Chuck Todd that the debate will have a tremendous audience, and you can guess why he thinks that way. As I mentioned in the blog, everything Trump says is about ..Donald Trump. And the national media can't get enough of it.
As of Dec. 6, Mitt Romney has declined to participate, which leaves Newtie and the Donny and Marie of "Oh My God, They're Gay", Michele and Ricky.
Yep, this should be a ratings triumph, all right.
And his first instruction to the stage: "Send in the Clowns!"
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