It hasn't been a good couple of weeks for Mitt Romney's Comeback to Bush Team. Aside from the poll numbers, there have been a lot of conservatives screaming at Mitt, churlishly accusing him of running an incoherent unbusinesslike campaign. He might even have to call an ambulance to send a campaign lacking mental health insurance to an emergency room.
The Republicans, for example, have found no way to shed the image of being Akinistas since the Missouri congressman damn well stayed in his senate race despite pleas from apopleptic party members. Heavens, it wasn't that long ago that Reince Priebus, the always befuddled GOP national chairman, adamantly rejected any thought of a party endorsement of Todd Akin , telling a reporter: "No, no , no." But on second thought, Riebus now says that since the party couldn't persuade Akin to withdraw, it will endorse him as the gateway to a Republican takeover of the Senate.
And talk about panic! With voters ignoring the GOP's labeling of Obama as a socialist-communist-unAmerican-alien-cheater, Romney surrogate John Sununu told Sean Hannity that the president was "absolutely lazy and detached." (Lazy? In this context, I'll let you decode that one.) Sununu said it was Obama's fault that Chris Stevens, American ambassador to Llbya, was killed because Barack didn't attend CIA briefings. On the other hand, Sununu credited an alert George W. Bush with taking a keen interest in the briefings to protect America's security. As he did in the lead-up to 9/ll, right?
UPDATE: Almost forgot. Mike Huckabee told his Fox News audience that President Obama should be impeached for "lying" about the Libyan attack. So I ask you: Is that any way for a former Baptist preacher to show Christian love and forgiveness to a fellow-man - even by a dead-ender like Huckabee?
Friday, September 28, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Note to Newt: Your coming-out party's over
One of the happier thoughts in the early celebratory moments at the end of the Republican presidential primaries was that we had seen the last of Crazy Guggenheim, i.e. Newt Gingrich. He had repeatedly promised to put a permanent base on the moon - but, alas, not until his second term, airily reveled in describing Barack Obama as the biggest food-stamp president in history and insisted that all school janitors be fired and replaced by students to teach them good work habits.
He tried to lure us with a devilish smile and imperious self-confidence. But when he was mercilessly rejected by his own party in primary after primary, it was logical to assume that this pathetic figure had finally witnessed his last hurrah. But wait...
The other night he was shown standing aside Todd Akin, the notorious Missouri congressman, to offer his worthless endorsement. He was later reported to have voluntarily drawn up an unofficial playbook to show Mitt Romney how to win his debate with Obama! Poor fellow is everywhere. He's a man with the drive of street vendor who shows up in the worst weather in hopes of one more sale.
He also promised to arrive in Tampa with enough delegates. It didn't happen.
Face it, Newt. It's over. You don't even have the door prize of elder statesmanship.
NOTE: Plunderbund has posted my column on voter suppressing Republican liars
He tried to lure us with a devilish smile and imperious self-confidence. But when he was mercilessly rejected by his own party in primary after primary, it was logical to assume that this pathetic figure had finally witnessed his last hurrah. But wait...
The other night he was shown standing aside Todd Akin, the notorious Missouri congressman, to offer his worthless endorsement. He was later reported to have voluntarily drawn up an unofficial playbook to show Mitt Romney how to win his debate with Obama! Poor fellow is everywhere. He's a man with the drive of street vendor who shows up in the worst weather in hopes of one more sale.
He also promised to arrive in Tampa with enough delegates. It didn't happen.
Face it, Newt. It's over. You don't even have the door prize of elder statesmanship.
NOTE: Plunderbund has posted my column on voter suppressing Republican liars
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Santorum to Todd Akin: Go for it!
If quasi-priest Rick Santorum has any plans for self-sainthood, he's going about it in an odd way. Now that Rep. Todd Akin, the Missouri Republican who made the term "legitimate rape" "a household term (as in House of Representatives) has decided to stay in the Senate race, Santorum apparently has no misgivings about vigorously endorsing him. Akin is trying to unseat Democratic U.S.Sen. Claire McCaskill, whom the GOP right-wing would prefer to be back in the kitchen. Santorum puts it this way: If the Republicans hope to take back the Senate, they'll have to throw out McCaskill and any oddball Republican successor will do. Machiavelli is alive and well in some political precincts.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
The stricken NFL: Playing out of bounds
After seeing the melee in the end zone that awarded a victory to the Seattle Seahawks over the Green Bay Packers , it's fair to wonder whether the NFL should now be demoted to the category of trash sports. To add to the confusion, both teams were forced to return to the field for a meaningless extra point after the clock expired. If you're still unconvinced, the decisive play is now being described as the worst officials' decision in NFL history.
Is there anyone - player, coach, fan - who hasn't complained about the dismal performance of the scabs who have replaced the striking officiating crews? Some, as on Monday night, actually changed the outcome of games with questionable penalties, increasing reviews of on-field decisions. The contests have been tediously drawn out with conferences to discuss penalties, all adding to the endless commercial breaks that have extended 60 minutes of actual playing time to a three-hand-a-half hour slog. Fans are spending more time watching the officials' huddles than those of the players.
It turns out that some of the officials are rejects from the Lingerie Football League; ya know, the one that features female athletes suited up like Xena the Warrior Princess on an alleged shrunken football field. And the NFL season is still young.
Is there anyone - player, coach, fan - who hasn't complained about the dismal performance of the scabs who have replaced the striking officiating crews? Some, as on Monday night, actually changed the outcome of games with questionable penalties, increasing reviews of on-field decisions. The contests have been tediously drawn out with conferences to discuss penalties, all adding to the endless commercial breaks that have extended 60 minutes of actual playing time to a three-hand-a-half hour slog. Fans are spending more time watching the officials' huddles than those of the players.
It turns out that some of the officials are rejects from the Lingerie Football League; ya know, the one that features female athletes suited up like Xena the Warrior Princess on an alleged shrunken football field. And the NFL season is still young.
It's not Bain, but it may have investment potential
Do you think that if Mitt Romney loses in November, he will have more time to pursue a flighty business investment that is already on his mind these days: roll-down airplane windows. Ever since his wife's plane was forced to land when smoke filled the cabin, Mitt has been wondering aloud why the passengers couldn't have sought fresh air by opening the plane's windows when the smoke was first detected.
As he explained his concern for Ann's safety to the Los Angeles Times, "You can't find any oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft." So when there's a fire in the plane, "There's no place to go, exactly."
Exactly. The problem, of course, is that a burst of oxygen at a plane's cruising level would, among other things, feed a fire. Still, Mitt says he doesn't know why the windows don't open. "It's a real problem. So it's very dangerous."
As one who prefers to be known more as an astute, can-do businessman than as a potential leader of the free world, Mitt has doubtless given thought to a new growth industry of manufacturing convenient open-and-close windows, which will be investigated further on his next trip to China. Meantime, somebody should tell him that for the time being he will have make do with those drop-down gizmos called oxygen masks.
As he explained his concern for Ann's safety to the Los Angeles Times, "You can't find any oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft." So when there's a fire in the plane, "There's no place to go, exactly."
Exactly. The problem, of course, is that a burst of oxygen at a plane's cruising level would, among other things, feed a fire. Still, Mitt says he doesn't know why the windows don't open. "It's a real problem. So it's very dangerous."
As one who prefers to be known more as an astute, can-do businessman than as a potential leader of the free world, Mitt has doubtless given thought to a new growth industry of manufacturing convenient open-and-close windows, which will be investigated further on his next trip to China. Meantime, somebody should tell him that for the time being he will have make do with those drop-down gizmos called oxygen masks.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Golly gee: The multimillion dollar bow tie traveler
As a college student I was told by my father that he wanted me to be, in the following order, a car salesman, doctor or lawyer. Being young and contrary - but not yet grumpy - I figured that I wanted something else for a day job. What Dad foolishly never mentioned was that I should try to become the president of a megalopolis otherwise known as Ohio State University. (He was a Notre Dame fan, anyway.)
I must confess that when I read that E. Gordon Gee, the OSU president, could easily get by with the world's largest bow tie collection on his $8.6 million in salary and perks in addition to the $7.7 million that he's spent on travel in his five years at OSU, I realized that some folks have checkbooks that never have to be balanced.
The OSU guardians of the fortress immediately offered to the Dayton Daily News investigative team that broke the story that, after all, the travel money was drawn from private donors and endowments to attract hundreds of millions of dollars in investments. Or as a front-office spokesman described it, "resource generation". Do these guys ever speak English?
There's still one question: Can the Ohio public retirement system really afford to have Gee retire during these lean days? The formula for his compensation would be a lot more than $1 million. Until the economy improves, he should be encouraged to hang around for a little longer to add to his famous bow tie collection and bow tie cookies. It also would give us more time to find out what the "E" in his name stands for. Ego?
I must confess that when I read that E. Gordon Gee, the OSU president, could easily get by with the world's largest bow tie collection on his $8.6 million in salary and perks in addition to the $7.7 million that he's spent on travel in his five years at OSU, I realized that some folks have checkbooks that never have to be balanced.
The OSU guardians of the fortress immediately offered to the Dayton Daily News investigative team that broke the story that, after all, the travel money was drawn from private donors and endowments to attract hundreds of millions of dollars in investments. Or as a front-office spokesman described it, "resource generation". Do these guys ever speak English?
There's still one question: Can the Ohio public retirement system really afford to have Gee retire during these lean days? The formula for his compensation would be a lot more than $1 million. Until the economy improves, he should be encouraged to hang around for a little longer to add to his famous bow tie collection and bow tie cookies. It also would give us more time to find out what the "E" in his name stands for. Ego?
Sunday, September 23, 2012
The widening fallout from Husted's "rising star"
We recently noticed in the Plain Dealer a reference to Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted as a "rising star". If this sort of alias catches on, Husted may have created the next perilous level in his reach for the governor's title. Or will it be an overreach?
As we all know by now, Husted has been spending a lot of his time joining the fashionable Republican enterprise of shrinking the state's voter base, defending himself in court suits and otherwise playing nice to the Tea Partiers around the state. But does he really believe that the counteraction to policies that anger such a heated audience on the other side will disappear if he ever tries to cash in on a higher office?
It's astonishing how any alleged "rising star" can leave so many voters for dead by kneeling underneath the right-wing flap of the GOP. Shouldn't somebody remind this Tea Party supplicant that there are also are falling stars in the firmament? Or maybe he will have to find that out for himself.
NOTE: My column on the Sutton-Renacci race has been posted on Plunderbund.
As we all know by now, Husted has been spending a lot of his time joining the fashionable Republican enterprise of shrinking the state's voter base, defending himself in court suits and otherwise playing nice to the Tea Partiers around the state. But does he really believe that the counteraction to policies that anger such a heated audience on the other side will disappear if he ever tries to cash in on a higher office?
It's astonishing how any alleged "rising star" can leave so many voters for dead by kneeling underneath the right-wing flap of the GOP. Shouldn't somebody remind this Tea Party supplicant that there are also are falling stars in the firmament? Or maybe he will have to find that out for himself.
NOTE: My column on the Sutton-Renacci race has been posted on Plunderbund.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
TeaParty signs of the times -and maybe later
Meet the Tea Party folks who rule Romney/Ryan and the Republican House of Representatives and who are determined to rule America.
...and this one!
...and this one!
Friday, September 21, 2012
There are battlegrounds, but never Mississippi
How many more decades must pass before Mississippi becomes a "battleground state"?
(Asked to break the tedium of hearing Ohio repeatedly called a "battleground state".
Could they be referring to the Browns and Modell legacy?)
(Asked to break the tedium of hearing Ohio repeatedly called a "battleground state".
Could they be referring to the Browns and Modell legacy?)
Gerson is looking at Mitt from our side
And now, the latest from former Bush chief speech writer and Wash Post columnist Michael Gerson:
"Yet a Republican ideology pitting the “makers” against the “takers”
offers nothing. No sympathy for our fellow citizens. No insight into
our social challenge. No hope of change. This approach involves a
relentless reductionism. Human worth is reduced to economic
production. Social problems are reduced to personal vices. Politics is
reduced to class warfare on behalf of the upper class. "
(When conservatives write things like that, I can take the day off!!)
"Yet a Republican ideology pitting the “makers” against the “takers”
offers nothing. No sympathy for our fellow citizens. No insight into
our social challenge. No hope of change. This approach involves a
relentless reductionism. Human worth is reduced to economic
production. Social problems are reduced to personal vices. Politics is
reduced to class warfare on behalf of the upper class. "
(When conservatives write things like that, I can take the day off!!)
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Universal questions of the millennium
I have questions:
- As the Republican presidential campaigns shambles toward Election Day, when will good soldier John Boehner crack and start sobbing on TV?
- Who will convince Mitt Romney that the presidency is not an entitlement?
- Who will respond to comedian Lewis Black's appeal for someone to make his bathroom as white as the GOP convention that he viewed?
- When a Romney strategist asserted that Mitt would Etch-a-Sketch after the primaries, was he referring to the 2016 primaries?
- Would it at least help the economy with job creation if the government made silver spoons for the 47 pct. of Americans whom he says won't take responsibilitiy for themselves?
- Would you join an office pool to predict the day when Rep. Darrell Issa will say something intelligent?
- Will Josh Mandel , the Republican candidate for the senate, tell us whether he was really stationed in the Green Zone in Iraq.
- When will Paul Ryan stop referring to Romney as his "running mate"?
- Why won't the media ask Paul Ryan about the time he saw the North Pole from his front porch?
- Am I the only person who doesn't think Comedian Dennis Miller is funny?
- When will Rush Limbaugh refer to all women as sluts?
- How many wives is Mitt Romney permitted to have?
- Finally, will Mitt add an elevator for his dancing horses to his palatial home?
- And finally again: Wouldn't Mitt's life be a lot less complicated if he let H&R Block do his taxes?
Darrell Issa,
H and R Block,
Josh Manel,
Lewis Black,
Mitt Romney,
Paul Ryan,
Rush limbaugh
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Ryan enters race in the outside lane
And now, Dear Reader. do we have a 3-man race: Mitt Romney, Barack Obama Ryan?
On at least two occasions, Ryan has said he disagrees with Romney's version of the 47 per centers...Or...that Mitt's remarks were "inarticulate".
Latest polls among diehard Republicans between Mitt and Paul now give Ryan 37 pct., Romney 26 pct., with the others undecided or still at the seashore. When Ryan's boss, who has been out to a long lunch, returns to the office, heads could roll.
On at least two occasions, Ryan has said he disagrees with Romney's version of the 47 per centers...Or...that Mitt's remarks were "inarticulate".
Latest polls among diehard Republicans between Mitt and Paul now give Ryan 37 pct., Romney 26 pct., with the others undecided or still at the seashore. When Ryan's boss, who has been out to a long lunch, returns to the office, heads could roll.
Poetic elegance to explain Mitt
Thanks to the Bard of Akron:
Romney is a preposterous gent,
When he talks of the 47 percent.
Is he merely trying to be funny,
Or protecting rich men's money?
Who can be sure of what he meant?
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Elegant language eludes Romney
Mitt Romney said his words about the 47 per centers were not stated elegantly
* * *
Until now, we had usually assigned elegance to the words of Shakespeare or Robert Browning. But here comes Romney with his 47-47 paint-by-the-numbers remarks to a thick-walleted group of donors that assume one can speak elegantly while dissing nearly half of Americans as lazy, whining, tax-free slobs. As one who has accused President Obama of "divisiveness," Mitt has now said, in his own goal-tending words: "The president has his group and I have mine."
Mitt would have us believe that his views on this drag on hardworking taxpayers (his 47 pct .plus the Big One at the top) were a little muddled because he was speaking "off the cuff".
"I'm sure," he retreated, "I could have stated it with more clarity."
But I'm sure that not until the video blew a big hole in his campaign did he think his message to his high rollers was anything less than clear.
There have been strong hints about where the Romney campaign has been headed in nailing The Others in his great divide. Rick Santorum, once a Romney opponent and now a surrogate, has recently declared that the "elite and smart" people would never vote for his side. Probably true about smart people, although I know little about the elitists. And it's now inelegantly clear that Mitt knows nothing about the 47 pct. who are The Others.
The Republican war on fact-checkers
The Republicans progressively have created a new defense against any idea that demolishes their positions: Damn the facts, as others know them. Here are the exhibits, as we know them:
Former Bush assistant and Republican strategist Ron Christie, dissing fact-checkers: "Somebody should check the fact-checkers".
Romney pollster Neil Newhouse: "We're not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers".
Long Island Rep. Peter King, when told by Soledad O'Brien that had shown that President Obama never apologized to a violent enemy in a European speech, the congressman responded: "I don't care what fact-check says."
As a matter of fact, that seems to be the chosen course of the entire faltering Romney campaign.
Former Bush assistant and Republican strategist Ron Christie, dissing fact-checkers: "Somebody should check the fact-checkers".
Romney pollster Neil Newhouse: "We're not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers".
Long Island Rep. Peter King, when told by Soledad O'Brien that had shown that President Obama never apologized to a violent enemy in a European speech, the congressman responded: "I don't care what fact-check says."
As a matter of fact, that seems to be the chosen course of the entire faltering Romney campaign.
Neil Newhouse,
Peter King,
Ron Christie
Monday, September 17, 2012
Royalty goes topless: a break from bleak reality
We interrupt the presidential election news to bring you this bulletin on the latest reports from what is now being called "The Royal Topless Scandal". You know the story: The Duchess of
Cambridge, a.k.a. Kate Middleton, was pictured in a magazine sunbathing topless. And now the royal court is threatening a lawsuit. For Europeans, however, this is simply a delicious diversion from the bleak world and morality has nothing to do with it.
Of course, if you've never visited Europe, you won't know that most of the Mediterranean beaches are open to topless sunbathing women, some of them grandmothers. Most Europeans take such opportunities for voyeurs and sun worshippers in stride. I recall that when a priest in the Italian town of Monopoli on the Adriatic tried to clothe the bathers with bras, the townspeople were outraged by the potential loss of tourists and threatened to burn down the church.
Except for the royals, where it's one thing after another in the sniffiest circles, nudity is not a big deal over there. Maybe it's because the people have lived since classical Greece among towering naked statues, none more revealing than Michelangelo's David. Nor for that matter, Georgione's masterful 16th Century painting, Sleeping Venus. And so many others.
Still the Duchess' semi-exposure in France, Ireland and by a magazine owned by Silvio Berlusconi (who else?) brought down the wrath of Buckingham Palace. After all, it was hardly the "wardrobe malfunction" that exposed Janet Jackson's nip during Super Bowl XXXVIII on CBS. (The FCC fined the network a half-million dollars, but later voided it. How can we ever forget?) In the latest faux-scandal, Middleton didn't malfunction, she intended to be braless.
Sometimes, it's important to skip the presidential campaigns, even the headless GOP ticket, for a moment or two to get to the real problems facing the world.
Cambridge, a.k.a. Kate Middleton, was pictured in a magazine sunbathing topless. And now the royal court is threatening a lawsuit. For Europeans, however, this is simply a delicious diversion from the bleak world and morality has nothing to do with it.
Of course, if you've never visited Europe, you won't know that most of the Mediterranean beaches are open to topless sunbathing women, some of them grandmothers. Most Europeans take such opportunities for voyeurs and sun worshippers in stride. I recall that when a priest in the Italian town of Monopoli on the Adriatic tried to clothe the bathers with bras, the townspeople were outraged by the potential loss of tourists and threatened to burn down the church.
Except for the royals, where it's one thing after another in the sniffiest circles, nudity is not a big deal over there. Maybe it's because the people have lived since classical Greece among towering naked statues, none more revealing than Michelangelo's David. Nor for that matter, Georgione's masterful 16th Century painting, Sleeping Venus. And so many others.
Still the Duchess' semi-exposure in France, Ireland and by a magazine owned by Silvio Berlusconi (who else?) brought down the wrath of Buckingham Palace. After all, it was hardly the "wardrobe malfunction" that exposed Janet Jackson's nip during Super Bowl XXXVIII on CBS. (The FCC fined the network a half-million dollars, but later voided it. How can we ever forget?) In the latest faux-scandal, Middleton didn't malfunction, she intended to be braless.
Sometimes, it's important to skip the presidential campaigns, even the headless GOP ticket, for a moment or two to get to the real problems facing the world.
Sutton-Pelosi vs. Renacci- Boehner?
Sooner or later it figures that Nancy Pelosi would make it to the Ohio ballot. That's what Republican congressman Jim Renacci wants to happen. Not he's any great admirer of the Democratic minority leader. Quite the contrary. He wants you to believe that by voting for his Democratic opponent in the new 16th congressional district you will not be voting for Rep. Betty Sutton but for Pelosi
Or as Renacci's new $1.1 million GOP Super PAC ad puts it, Sutton doesn't work for Ohio; she works for Pelosi.
Pelosi's political enemies have been putting a hit on her ever since she rose to prominance in the House of Representatives. I was never sure whether it was because she was a woman or a Californian. Years ago, a guy at a friend's patio party couldn't stop rattling on about "that witch" - my way of cleaning it up. Some white guys have a way about stating their case against women.
Renacci, of course, is a garden variety conservative Republican who seldom disagrees with his boss, House Speaker John Boehner. And as the ad snorts, Sutton supports Obamacare, while making the easily refuted claim that the President is robbing Medicare of $700 billion or something like that, to support Obamacare.
That's what you get for $1.1 million these days? Please.
Or as Renacci's new $1.1 million GOP Super PAC ad puts it, Sutton doesn't work for Ohio; she works for Pelosi.
Pelosi's political enemies have been putting a hit on her ever since she rose to prominance in the House of Representatives. I was never sure whether it was because she was a woman or a Californian. Years ago, a guy at a friend's patio party couldn't stop rattling on about "that witch" - my way of cleaning it up. Some white guys have a way about stating their case against women.
Renacci, of course, is a garden variety conservative Republican who seldom disagrees with his boss, House Speaker John Boehner. And as the ad snorts, Sutton supports Obamacare, while making the easily refuted claim that the President is robbing Medicare of $700 billion or something like that, to support Obamacare.
That's what you get for $1.1 million these days? Please.
Betty Sutton,
Jim Renacci,
John Beohner,
Nancy Pelosi
Sunday, September 16, 2012
But Rick, surely you can use some of those people, too

Award, I figured it couldn't get any better this one from Rick Santorum speaking at the Value Voters Summit:
"We will never have the media on our side. We will never have the elite, smart people on our side."
Anybody have a problem with that?
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Today's political news: The view from the rear
What a week, huh? The thundering herd was on the move - backward. The photo will give you a strong sense of it. We scooped up a few bits of evidence to close out the week. Here I go again:
Romney foreign policy advisor Richard Wiilliamson was quoted in the Washington Post as saying the Middle East would be a kinder, gentler place if Mitt were president. "There's a pretty compelling story that if you had a President Romney, you'd be in a different situation," he said, explaining that Muslims would have liked him much more than Obama. I'm not sure what to make of that so I'll move on.
Paul Ryan, who has referred to Mitt as his running mate, says that when Obama talks about pulling together to improve America, he's dishonest. Why? Yep, the president's pro-choice position that "panders to the most extreme elements of his party."
It could change, but as we write, those efforts to remove Obama from the Kansas ballot may have fizzled. A Kansas man who petitioned the state to to deny him a spot on the ballot has withdrawn his petition within a few days before the Kansas Objections Board was to act on it. The petitioner is a devout birther and had a friend in Secretary of State Kris Kobach, likewise a birther who was prepared to honor the request on grounds that Obama hadn't proved that he was an American.
By the way, Kobach is on the Romney immigration advisory team. (It never ends with Mitt!)
What was that memorable line from the Wizard of Oz? "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.")
Romney foreign policy advisor Richard Wiilliamson was quoted in the Washington Post as saying the Middle East would be a kinder, gentler place if Mitt were president. "There's a pretty compelling story that if you had a President Romney, you'd be in a different situation," he said, explaining that Muslims would have liked him much more than Obama. I'm not sure what to make of that so I'll move on.
Paul Ryan, who has referred to Mitt as his running mate, says that when Obama talks about pulling together to improve America, he's dishonest. Why? Yep, the president's pro-choice position that "panders to the most extreme elements of his party."
Ryan, an absolutist who insists there should be no exceptions for abortion, said, "We're all in this together - it has a nice ring. For everyone who loves this country it is not only true, but obvious. Yet how hollow it sounds coming from a politician who has never once lifted a hand to defend the most helpless and innocent of all human beings, the child waiting to be born."Plunderbund noted that Ohio Board of Education president Debe Terhar, a Tea Party activist, has been named the co-chair of the Educators for Romney coalition, whatever that is. Terhar was appointed to the board by Gov. Kasich, ostensibly to bring enthusiasm and fervor to the state's education interests. If this works out, she'll doubtless be named as the football coach at one of the state universities. But first she'll have to finish the laundry
It could change, but as we write, those efforts to remove Obama from the Kansas ballot may have fizzled. A Kansas man who petitioned the state to to deny him a spot on the ballot has withdrawn his petition within a few days before the Kansas Objections Board was to act on it. The petitioner is a devout birther and had a friend in Secretary of State Kris Kobach, likewise a birther who was prepared to honor the request on grounds that Obama hadn't proved that he was an American.
By the way, Kobach is on the Romney immigration advisory team. (It never ends with Mitt!)
What was that memorable line from the Wizard of Oz? "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.")
Debe Terhar,
Kris Kobach,
Mitt Rpmney,
Paul Ryan
Note to GOP pols: Women jokes ain't funny
When Gov. Kasich told his audience that his wife was home "doing the laundry" (ha, ha), if maybe only in jest, it was another example of how some Republicans simply don't get it in their references to women these days. It quickly recalled how Rep. Betty Sutton, a Democrat, was dissed in a Republican newsletter during her reelection campaign in 2010.
Remember? The newsletter, sent out by Medina County GOP chairman Bill Heck, urged voters to "take Betty Sutton out of the House and put her back in the kitchen".
Heck latter apologized for such opaque insensitivity, saying no one should have been offended because "We were just trying to get the attention of the voters."Which, of course, he did.
Ever notice how these ha-ha's are always directed at a woman's role in the scheme of things? When was the last time you heard a Republican woman pol tell the crowd that her husband could not join her because he was home tending to his regular chore of scrubbing the basement floor?
Do we need ask why President Obama is ahead with the women's vote by a double-digit majority?
Remember? The newsletter, sent out by Medina County GOP chairman Bill Heck, urged voters to "take Betty Sutton out of the House and put her back in the kitchen".
Heck latter apologized for such opaque insensitivity, saying no one should have been offended because "We were just trying to get the attention of the voters."Which, of course, he did.
Ever notice how these ha-ha's are always directed at a woman's role in the scheme of things? When was the last time you heard a Republican woman pol tell the crowd that her husband could not join her because he was home tending to his regular chore of scrubbing the basement floor?
Do we need ask why President Obama is ahead with the women's vote by a double-digit majority?
Friday, September 14, 2012
Is the silent majority really alive and well?
Republican operative Mark Weaver, Mitt Romney's lawyer in Ohio, joined the few wagon-circlers that formed in the debris of the candidate's attack on President Obama over the violence in Libya and Egypt with a spin that I haven't heard in political talk for years. At an Akron Press Club luncheon, he said Mitt was merely saying what the "silent majority believes."
There it is. Silent majority - the term that fell from Richard Nixon's lips back in the darkest of ages.
After the session, I asked Weaver to clarify his response to Romney's widely criticized intrusion into foreign policy at the height of an international crises.
I should have known better. He shrugged off the critics as representing the "liberal media" That's a dog-eared-term kept alive by the Mark Weavers of the world when no other useful explanation serves their side.
So I mention, um, Peggy Noonan , the Wall Street Journal columnist and once the speechwriter for Ronald Reagan who accused Romney of "not doing himself any favors" with his bluster.
He dismissed her, too. "Peggy Noonan is part of the Republican establishment," he sniffed.
Sorry, Mark. We miss so much living way out here in ihe Akron area.
There it is. Silent majority - the term that fell from Richard Nixon's lips back in the darkest of ages.
After the session, I asked Weaver to clarify his response to Romney's widely criticized intrusion into foreign policy at the height of an international crises.
I should have known better. He shrugged off the critics as representing the "liberal media" That's a dog-eared-term kept alive by the Mark Weavers of the world when no other useful explanation serves their side.
So I mention, um, Peggy Noonan , the Wall Street Journal columnist and once the speechwriter for Ronald Reagan who accused Romney of "not doing himself any favors" with his bluster.
He dismissed her, too. "Peggy Noonan is part of the Republican establishment," he sniffed.
Sorry, Mark. We miss so much living way out here in ihe Akron area.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
In a hasty moment, Mitt creates his own disaster
Mitt Romney's rush to judgment on the Benghazi slaughter was an extraordinary dump for a guy who is fumbling to be the CEO of America. In a matter of minutes before the cameras, his attack on President Obama in a dark moment that called for solemnity and grace reaffirmed to us that he is the wimpy malfunctioning robot that we had assumed without this damning proof.
How dare he say that he is qualified to be the leader of the free world when he is unable to articulate a simple rational response to the deaths of four Americans? Didn't even mention them in his assault on the president. Now a desperate man as he slips in the polls (even the Fox News poll) you find no triumphal tone in his words, only base politics to appeal to the crazies in his base. Stunned conservative pundits and quaking GOP colleagues could not believe his display of incompetance. Or as some critics asked, "Is this the fellow that you want to answer the 3 a.m. phone call?"
I suppose we should quote Rush Limbaugh, the great white whale, who described Mitt as the "only adult in the room." Truth be known, Rush should be quaking in a different way after the Fox poll destroyed his sinister argument that the major polls are a liberal conspiracy against Mitt. Does anybody take this screwball seriously?
Or, for that matter, Mitt Romney?
NOTE: My column on Josh Mandel's dismissal of questions until he arrives on the Senate floor has been posted on Plunderbund
How dare he say that he is qualified to be the leader of the free world when he is unable to articulate a simple rational response to the deaths of four Americans? Didn't even mention them in his assault on the president. Now a desperate man as he slips in the polls (even the Fox News poll) you find no triumphal tone in his words, only base politics to appeal to the crazies in his base. Stunned conservative pundits and quaking GOP colleagues could not believe his display of incompetance. Or as some critics asked, "Is this the fellow that you want to answer the 3 a.m. phone call?"
I suppose we should quote Rush Limbaugh, the great white whale, who described Mitt as the "only adult in the room." Truth be known, Rush should be quaking in a different way after the Fox poll destroyed his sinister argument that the major polls are a liberal conspiracy against Mitt. Does anybody take this screwball seriously?
Or, for that matter, Mitt Romney?
NOTE: My column on Josh Mandel's dismissal of questions until he arrives on the Senate floor has been posted on Plunderbund
Keep an eye on appellate court decision on early voting
There's a critical case ensconced in the U.S.Court of Appeals in Cincinnati that could have a strong bearing on the outcome of the presidential vote in Ohio. The case is an appeal by Ohio
Atty. Gen. Mike Dewine and Secretary of State Jon Usted of Southern District Judge Peter Economus' ruling that the state's early voting system is unconstitutional The chief jujstice of the appellate court is Alice Batchelder, the conservative wife of Ohio House Speaker Bill Batchelder, a Republican. Both parties have a lot riding on the appellate court's verdict. If Economus' decision is upheld, three days will be restored to early voting just before the election. If not....
Atty. Gen. Mike Dewine and Secretary of State Jon Usted of Southern District Judge Peter Economus' ruling that the state's early voting system is unconstitutional The chief jujstice of the appellate court is Alice Batchelder, the conservative wife of Ohio House Speaker Bill Batchelder, a Republican. Both parties have a lot riding on the appellate court's verdict. If Economus' decision is upheld, three days will be restored to early voting just before the election. If not....
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Romney is 2 for 2 with loonies
Although Mitt Romney has been down a quart or two since the conventions, my unofficial poll shows him to be strong among dogfight promoters and anti-Communist theorists. He assured himself of their unyielding support by offering his endorsements to two widely suspected Republican loonies like Steve King and Allen West, a couple of congressmen who operate in another universe.
King, whose Iowa district may have more cows than people, has long favored dogfighting and has gone so far as to compare imimigrants to dogs. He even latched on to the "legitimate rape" issue, saying he was unaware that pregnancy from rape was that widespread. But that's old news on the right by now.
Never mind. When Mitt showed up to endorse King for another congressional term, he declared: "I'm looking here at Steve King. He needs to be your congressman again. I want him as my partner in Washington." King returned the favor by assuring his constitutents that Mitt was a true patriot with "love for Jesus Christ our savior".
Let us turn now to Florida Tea Party congressman Allen West, who has declared that there are 80 or so Communists in Congress and recently asserted that "forward" - a word that appears in Obama's campaign slogan - is an "old Soviet Union, Marxist-Socialist theme" (Aside to Allen: It also appears in Paul Ryan's home state of Wisconsin motto.) It didn't take long for Lou Dobbs, of Fox News, to remind us that "forward has a a very long history with Marxists and and socialists" . Dobbs never has been that original with his rightwing talking points.
Back to Romney, where today's post began: He happily appointed West as the co-chairman of his campaign's new Black Leadership Council.
But you can't fault Mitt for trying to win at least one African-American vote, can you?
King, whose Iowa district may have more cows than people, has long favored dogfighting and has gone so far as to compare imimigrants to dogs. He even latched on to the "legitimate rape" issue, saying he was unaware that pregnancy from rape was that widespread. But that's old news on the right by now.
Never mind. When Mitt showed up to endorse King for another congressional term, he declared: "I'm looking here at Steve King. He needs to be your congressman again. I want him as my partner in Washington." King returned the favor by assuring his constitutents that Mitt was a true patriot with "love for Jesus Christ our savior".
Let us turn now to Florida Tea Party congressman Allen West, who has declared that there are 80 or so Communists in Congress and recently asserted that "forward" - a word that appears in Obama's campaign slogan - is an "old Soviet Union, Marxist-Socialist theme" (Aside to Allen: It also appears in Paul Ryan's home state of Wisconsin motto.) It didn't take long for Lou Dobbs, of Fox News, to remind us that "forward has a a very long history with Marxists and and socialists" . Dobbs never has been that original with his rightwing talking points.
Back to Romney, where today's post began: He happily appointed West as the co-chairman of his campaign's new Black Leadership Council.
But you can't fault Mitt for trying to win at least one African-American vote, can you?
Monday, September 10, 2012
Who ended bin Laden's stay on earth? A simple test
A PPP Ohio poll reports 15 pct. of Buckeye Republicans believe that Mitt Romney is "more responsible" for killing Osama bin Laden than President Obama. At the same time, 47 pct. of Republicans say they aren't sure.
So here's a simple plea to these folks: I've been an Ohioan for 53 years. Stop embarrassing me to my friends in the Everglades and the Middle East who ask me to explain you.
Here's a simple test that will move you up to the next level of awareness:
How much is two and two? Easy enough? No?
Are you an evil person - or whatever else?
While Mitt Romney was playing his allegiance-to-God card in Virginia Beach over the week end, the Rev. Pat Robertson was hanging out near the speaker. There's never any doubt about the preacher/TV host's own political loyalties. As he succinctly put it, Democrats "are the party of gays, godlessness and whatever else."
The worrisome thing about Robertson's chilling comment is the bit about "whatever else". With so broad a category, you can sit around forever trying to figure out whether you will be subjected to the Lord's vengeance for being in the "whatever else" category. As a long-time journalist, I fear I might be. Would people who didn't vote for Sarah Palin be designated for Hell?
I tried to clarify the remark with Mitt, who was busy trying to strap Ann's dancing horse to the roof of his car as they headed for some R&R at a private lake. With his tight-lipped smile, he assured me that although he had enormous respect for the Rev. Pat ,"it wasn't the language I would have used."
(He later issued a statement that old preachers like Pat "are people, too."
The worrisome thing about Robertson's chilling comment is the bit about "whatever else". With so broad a category, you can sit around forever trying to figure out whether you will be subjected to the Lord's vengeance for being in the "whatever else" category. As a long-time journalist, I fear I might be. Would people who didn't vote for Sarah Palin be designated for Hell?
I tried to clarify the remark with Mitt, who was busy trying to strap Ann's dancing horse to the roof of his car as they headed for some R&R at a private lake. With his tight-lipped smile, he assured me that although he had enormous respect for the Rev. Pat ,"it wasn't the language I would have used."
(He later issued a statement that old preachers like Pat "are people, too."
Sunday, September 9, 2012
No reason to fact-check Mitt's pollster on this one
Can't let the week pass without choosing the winner of the Grumpy Abe Linguistic Lunacy (GALL) Award. It goes to Neil Newhouse , the Romney pollster who resisted any questions about his candidate's TV ads that mislead the voters on Obama's welfare policy. Said Newhouse, "We're not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers." That is so obvious that we won't even bother to have his comment to a reporter fact- checked.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
With Husted-Dewine: Is Blackwell still with us?
Who would have ever guessed that a case could be made for returning Republican Ken Blackwell to the Ohio Secretary of State's office considering the mess he made of the voting system back in 2004 and later? From a controversy over provisional ballots, to challenging the paper used for ballots to adding Diebold voting machines (in which he held some company stock) that were faulty - seldom a day passed without having to endure more screwups in his office.
On two occasions, the office accidentally exposed Social Security numbers and names of registered voters. It first released computer discs bearing such goody information listing 1.2 million individuals. Second time around, it gave out the names, addresses and social security numbers of 5.6 million registered voters. Blackwell apologetically called the goofs "accidental". Problem solved.
Well, now we have a secretary of state , Jon Husted, and attorney general, Mike Dewine, creating greater confusion. Earlier reports said Husted, acting under a federal court order, had rescinded his own order shutting down week end voting just prior to Election Day. That much he did and cheers went up that possibly we could count on a normal election. You know, like the 2008 election that had caused so few systemic problems.
But we later learned from published reports all the way up to the national media that Husted, joined by Dewine, had something more in mind, seeking a stay of the court's decision until the state's appeal could complete its course through the courts; i.e., don't do anything until we get back to you, whenever that may be. Husted's Special Counsel, William S. Consovoy, said the delay was intended to avoid confusion.
Plunderbund reported yesterday that this was the same William S. Consovoy who sought an unsuccessful constitutional challenge to the Voting Rights Act in the South. Husted obviously didn't pull Consovoy's name out of the hat to advance his opposition to early week-end voting.
In his appeal, Dewine is now talking state's rights instead of voter fraud, a myth that never went anywhere. I can't imagine the cost of all of these delaying tactics. Worse yet, it is increasingly clear that Husted and Dewine are still hoping to prepare a table for a Romney victory in Ohio, candor and the public interest be damned.
Are you listening, Public?
On two occasions, the office accidentally exposed Social Security numbers and names of registered voters. It first released computer discs bearing such goody information listing 1.2 million individuals. Second time around, it gave out the names, addresses and social security numbers of 5.6 million registered voters. Blackwell apologetically called the goofs "accidental". Problem solved.
Well, now we have a secretary of state , Jon Husted, and attorney general, Mike Dewine, creating greater confusion. Earlier reports said Husted, acting under a federal court order, had rescinded his own order shutting down week end voting just prior to Election Day. That much he did and cheers went up that possibly we could count on a normal election. You know, like the 2008 election that had caused so few systemic problems.
But we later learned from published reports all the way up to the national media that Husted, joined by Dewine, had something more in mind, seeking a stay of the court's decision until the state's appeal could complete its course through the courts; i.e., don't do anything until we get back to you, whenever that may be. Husted's Special Counsel, William S. Consovoy, said the delay was intended to avoid confusion.
Plunderbund reported yesterday that this was the same William S. Consovoy who sought an unsuccessful constitutional challenge to the Voting Rights Act in the South. Husted obviously didn't pull Consovoy's name out of the hat to advance his opposition to early week-end voting.
In his appeal, Dewine is now talking state's rights instead of voter fraud, a myth that never went anywhere. I can't imagine the cost of all of these delaying tactics. Worse yet, it is increasingly clear that Husted and Dewine are still hoping to prepare a table for a Romney victory in Ohio, candor and the public interest be damned.
Are you listening, Public?
early voting,
Jon Husted,
ken blackwell,
Mike DeWine
Friday, September 7, 2012
For Mitt, that was then. This is now.
From a reader comes this old flyer from Romney's gubernatorial campaign in Massachusetts. (That's Kerry Healey, his running mate, not John Kerry. Thank goodness for that.) Mitt was in fine "pride" form on this one, don't you think? Times do change.
GOP-style absentee ballots: 'Righting' the system
Well, Nancy and I each received a feel-good absentee ballot notice from Secretary of State Jon Husted today. It was patriotically red, white and blue, with a prominently displayed checkmark that did double duty by serving as the stylized "V" in the My Vote logo. Underneath it boldly declared "My Right - My Responsibility".
How good of Mr. Husted to remind me of my right. How timely, too, so soon after after he and his cohort, Atty. Gen. Mike Dewine decided to drag out their response to a federal court order to restore week-end early voting. Oh, they will argue, week-end voting hours are not a right, which is like asking you not to count the change from a suspicious sidewalk vendor.
It's at least interesting to me how quickly guys like Husted and Dewine move in to blur their tracks on suppressing the vote. Rights and responsiblity? Make me laugh, guys. And as conservative Republicans who preach personal freedom from Big Brother, shouldn't you be practicing what you are preaching by getting off the backs of certain voters?
UPDATE: THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH JUST REPORTED THAT HUSTED RESCINDED HIS ORDER AGAINST EARLY VOTING HOURS FOR THE THE LAST 3 DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION. (Shucks. Mike Dewine, the Ohio AG, had threatened to be so bold as to appeal the order to the U.S. Supreme Court. That was STRIKE THREE for Mike, who belatedly switched to the losing candidate in the Republican presidential primary, was on the losing side in the appeal to the Supreme court on Obamacare and now this. If you think of it, send him a cheerful card as the loser.
absentee ballots,
early voting,
Jon Husted,
Mike DeWine
Measuring a convention by tweets?
As I watched President Obama tonight, I decided I would write what everybody else was trying to say, comparing his speech with the others - Clinton, Biden, Michelle et al. But that seemed to be silly. He wasn't running against them. So why was it so necessary to make a big deal of it. I merely jotted down that Obama was giving a presidential speech, not a stump speech. Not the most profound insight. But it was getting late.
But I did learn after so many years in the business of writing about these things that something new had been added in determining winners: tweets (which I don't do.) In case you are interested in meaningless trivia, like how many homeruns are hit on a 3-2 count, the Democratic convention produced 9 million tweets; the Republican convention, 4 million.
Can we conclude that's well beyond the margin of error? I left the room before anybody tried to explain the importance of that lopsided spread. If you know, you'll have no luck tweeting me.
But I did learn after so many years in the business of writing about these things that something new had been added in determining winners: tweets (which I don't do.) In case you are interested in meaningless trivia, like how many homeruns are hit on a 3-2 count, the Democratic convention produced 9 million tweets; the Republican convention, 4 million.
Can we conclude that's well beyond the margin of error? I left the room before anybody tried to explain the importance of that lopsided spread. If you know, you'll have no luck tweeting me.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
The Husted-Dewine axis challenging Federal court order
Man, these Republican guys aren't kidding in their mad-dash campaign to block early voting on the pre-Election Day week end despite a federal court ordering them to play nice and keep the doors open. Secretary of State Jon Husted (top photo) has boasted of his leadership in ending the 2008 benefit for pre-election voters, and Attorney General Mike Dewine says he will take the issue onward and upward, to the U.S.Supreme Court, if necessary. Some people define leadership in other ways.
Both men, of course, have their eyes on a Romney election that holds a little promise for their own political future. Dewine began his term with a promise to join others in appealing Obamacare. You have to wonder whether he has nothing better to deal with his time than to obstruct anything that might be favorable for the other party.
As for Husted, well, he's got a tiger by the tail with this one and it's too late to run his office for everyone in Ohio rather just those who vote Republican.
Some Ohio newspapers have already called on the Husted/Dewine twins to obey the court order. But Husted has said he will do nothing until the higher court rules on the appeal. Early voting begins Oct.3, fellows.
I continue to ask: why have these two state GOP officials given the issue top priority in the workaday world? I have a hunch that they are looking out solely for their political future. Dewine, after all, has never seen a possible self-serving opportunity that didn't send him up into the the ether. He's the fellow, you might remember, who abruptly switched his allegiance from Mitt Romney to Rick Santorum in the final weeks of the Ohio campaign when he was downright sure Santorum would carry the state. You know the rest of the story.
NOTE: My column on Josh Mandel's bad habits has been posted on
Bill Clinton brilliantly being Clintonian
Years from now speechmaking will be judged by an adjective derived from an eponym: Clintonian. It will be measured by the speaker's ability to connect one-to-one with a huge audience; by words reinforced by the waving hands of a symphony conductor; by a slight down-home clipped tempo; by pixie-like humor; by an astonishing recall of numbers; by an avalanche of facts delivered virtually as casual conversation; and, finally, by length - which could be compellingly sustained by all of the above.
On Wednesday night at the Democratic convention, that described former President Bill Clinton, who, as people have come to expect from him, was being Clintonian at its best. As the clearly impressed Republican strategist Steve Schmidt said afterward: "I wish our side had somebody like that."
In nominating President Obama, Clinton's oration made his case for Obama by wading through the complexities of issues like health care, taxation , welfare and others with the brilliance lacking in most active politicians today. That will be the long-term definition of Clintonian - a speaker in full command of an enthralled audience. Folks, who else could have gotten so much mileage from a simple household word - arithmetic?
On Wednesday night at the Democratic convention, that described former President Bill Clinton, who, as people have come to expect from him, was being Clintonian at its best. As the clearly impressed Republican strategist Steve Schmidt said afterward: "I wish our side had somebody like that."
In nominating President Obama, Clinton's oration made his case for Obama by wading through the complexities of issues like health care, taxation , welfare and others with the brilliance lacking in most active politicians today. That will be the long-term definition of Clintonian - a speaker in full command of an enthralled audience. Folks, who else could have gotten so much mileage from a simple household word - arithmetic?
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Big night for Obama; a boating day for Romney
IF I MAY, some notes from Battleground Conventions. Thank you.
Opening night for the Democrats unleashed a first-inning rally against the Romneyistas who had their chance in Tampa last week. The lineup of speakers left no voter group unturned: women, blacks, hispanics, gays, unionists and just plain folks who can only b e categorized as Democrats. You expect this sort of thing at political conventions, but the D's were quite efficient in making sure they got their message across. The cleanup hitter for the evening was, of course, Michelle Obama, who left no doubt about her enormous contribution to the Obama campaign team.
Surprise of the night: The blistering speech by former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland, who shed his previous image as a kindly non-confrontational politician. If he keeps this up, he will be a strong contender in a crowded Democratic field for governor in 1214. On this night, Strickland assumed the role of Rahm Emanuel, who was a little restrained from this reputation as a glass-shatterer. Rahm did start right off by mentioning that he and Obama were from Chicago, the city that Republicans love to hate without knowing why.
Aside to Bob Bennett, the Ohio Republican chairman: He issued a press release allowing that the Democrats must have been desperate to find a spot in the speakers' lineup for former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland. Can we now conclude that the Dems' "desperation" paid off handsomely?
Watching San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, one could only wonder what Rush Limbaugh would do with that name if the mayor ascended to a national level. I keep hoping that a tyrant will emerge in Siberia with the first name of Rush.
Meantime, Romney spent the day boating, perhaps satisfied that he had convinced everybody to put their money into a Swiss vault. His confederate, Paul Ryan, turned up in Westlake, Oh., to complain that Obama had made Bush's anemic economic legacy "worse", which was a takeoff on Romney's notion that "The economy is getting better but Obama made it worse."(I've sent that one to Rosetta Stone for a translation, but haven't heard back. Cognitive dissonance can be challenging.)
Opening night for the Democrats unleashed a first-inning rally against the Romneyistas who had their chance in Tampa last week. The lineup of speakers left no voter group unturned: women, blacks, hispanics, gays, unionists and just plain folks who can only b e categorized as Democrats. You expect this sort of thing at political conventions, but the D's were quite efficient in making sure they got their message across. The cleanup hitter for the evening was, of course, Michelle Obama, who left no doubt about her enormous contribution to the Obama campaign team.
Surprise of the night: The blistering speech by former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland, who shed his previous image as a kindly non-confrontational politician. If he keeps this up, he will be a strong contender in a crowded Democratic field for governor in 1214. On this night, Strickland assumed the role of Rahm Emanuel, who was a little restrained from this reputation as a glass-shatterer. Rahm did start right off by mentioning that he and Obama were from Chicago, the city that Republicans love to hate without knowing why.
Aside to Bob Bennett, the Ohio Republican chairman: He issued a press release allowing that the Democrats must have been desperate to find a spot in the speakers' lineup for former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland. Can we now conclude that the Dems' "desperation" paid off handsomely?
Watching San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, one could only wonder what Rush Limbaugh would do with that name if the mayor ascended to a national level. I keep hoping that a tyrant will emerge in Siberia with the first name of Rush.
Meantime, Romney spent the day boating, perhaps satisfied that he had convinced everybody to put their money into a Swiss vault. His confederate, Paul Ryan, turned up in Westlake, Oh., to complain that Obama had made Bush's anemic economic legacy "worse", which was a takeoff on Romney's notion that "The economy is getting better but Obama made it worse."(I've sent that one to Rosetta Stone for a translation, but haven't heard back. Cognitive dissonance can be challenging.)
Bob Bennett,
Democratic convention,
Ted Strickland
Monday, September 3, 2012
Romney-Ryan Comeback Team heading for Bush Country, not Sorrento
It seems only fitting that my fascination with the businessman running for president that I should respond belatedly to the Republican convention that brought us the Comeback Team of Mitt and Paul. (Sorry, Rick and Newt, Michelle and Sarah - maybe next time.)
Did I say Comeback Team? I did. It was on everybody's mind for this star-crazed moment of redemption in Tampa for the future of America, if not necessarily its middle class.
It nagged me that I had heard of comebacks before, the Hollywood version. Turning to the Web, I learned The Comebacks was a satirical movie produced in 2007 that parodied the "cliches and plots of of the sports film genre."
Where else would you find a character named Jizminder Featherfoot? C'mon. Let's be fair about this. He wasn't the fellow with the 10-gallon hat sitting in the third row of the Texas delegation. And there was nobody in the cast playing Clint Eastwood or Cardinal Dolan.
One Web source did provide us with a few quotes from the film to give you some idea of its level of comedy. It liked the exchange between Michelle Fields and Lance Truman, two of the film's characters:
Since the movie, like the convention, got only tepid reviews, I leaned toward calling the Comeback Team the Soggy Bottom Boys from the ornery film Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? Or Willard and the Golden Fleece (job).
But there I go again, off the page. So I think I'll b e content with calling it the Comeback to Bush Team.
Close enough.
Did I say Comeback Team? I did. It was on everybody's mind for this star-crazed moment of redemption in Tampa for the future of America, if not necessarily its middle class.
It nagged me that I had heard of comebacks before, the Hollywood version. Turning to the Web, I learned The Comebacks was a satirical movie produced in 2007 that parodied the "cliches and plots of of the sports film genre."
Where else would you find a character named Jizminder Featherfoot? C'mon. Let's be fair about this. He wasn't the fellow with the 10-gallon hat sitting in the third row of the Texas delegation. And there was nobody in the cast playing Clint Eastwood or Cardinal Dolan.
One Web source did provide us with a few quotes from the film to give you some idea of its level of comedy. It liked the exchange between Michelle Fields and Lance Truman, two of the film's characters:
Michelle: I was out catching some waves.Or the one between Lambeau "Coach" Fields and God:
Lance: In the middle of Texas?
Michelle: I told you I'm hard-core.
Lambeau: Yeah,this is great. Middle of Podunk, nowhere. How am I gonna find an All-American quarterback?(God also told Lambeau his father was dead, and wouldn't be around to build it but Lambeau corrected Him that his father was very much alive. But that's another story.)
God: If you build it he will come. If you build it, he will come.
Since the movie, like the convention, got only tepid reviews, I leaned toward calling the Comeback Team the Soggy Bottom Boys from the ornery film Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? Or Willard and the Golden Fleece (job).
But there I go again, off the page. So I think I'll b e content with calling it the Comeback to Bush Team.
Close enough.
In Dayton, time to return 2 Dems to Elections Board
Question for the legal minds, which I'm not:
In the Repubicans' bizarre attempts to restrict voting hours while being less than candid about their motives, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted fired two Montgomery County (Dayton) Democrats on the Board of Elections because they decided to go ahead with early week- end voting - a practice followed in the 2008 presidential election that went smoothly. If it wasn't broken, why did he try to fix it?
But now that a federal judge has ruled that Republican Husted's scheme was unconstitutional (except not in the mind of Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine, who is appealing it) shouldn't Husted take the hint and restore Dennis Lieberman and Tom Ritchie Sr. to their board positions?
With the current state of the GOP, you are always missing something in the narrative.
In the Repubicans' bizarre attempts to restrict voting hours while being less than candid about their motives, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted fired two Montgomery County (Dayton) Democrats on the Board of Elections because they decided to go ahead with early week- end voting - a practice followed in the 2008 presidential election that went smoothly. If it wasn't broken, why did he try to fix it?
But now that a federal judge has ruled that Republican Husted's scheme was unconstitutional (except not in the mind of Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine, who is appealing it) shouldn't Husted take the hint and restore Dennis Lieberman and Tom Ritchie Sr. to their board positions?
With the current state of the GOP, you are always missing something in the narrative.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Kasich lauded by Mitt: Not a lie if he believes it?
Romney spent a little time in Cincinnati on Saturday, but it was long enough to tell the biggest fib of his campaign. Maybe still euphoric over his friendly reception in Tampa, Mitt told a crowd in the Union Terminal train station that unlike President Obama, Ohio Gov. John Kasich knows how to create jobs. He said:
"This is a great state, and you've got a great governor in John Kasich. He's showing the president - if he'd only listen - how to create jobs."
You'll be hearing a lot of that from the Romney forces to Election Day and, if true, it could be quite effective. But quite the opposite is true. You probably know by now that the biggest help in Ohio's economy came from the auto industry bail-out that Romney and Kasich opposed. Do you recall Mitt's remedy for the ailing industry: Let Detroit go bankrupt.
Romney is given to saying nutty things, like his solution to immigration: Self-deportation. Or his cowardly reponse to Rush Limbaugh's reference to Sandra Fluke as a slut. "That's not the language I would have u ded," Mitt meekly demurred.
All over the state, beginning with the recovery of a stricken area like Youngstown, there is growth. GM, an industrial giant targeted for bankruptcy by Romney, has already announced it will build the 2015 Chevrolet Cruze there. And what about the smaller companies in the chain that will now be able to supply a healthier auto industry?
I once thought that Mitt and his Wingman, Paul Ryan, were making all of this up to win an election. But now I keep recalling George Costanza's profound words on Seinfeld:
"This is a great state, and you've got a great governor in John Kasich. He's showing the president - if he'd only listen - how to create jobs."
You'll be hearing a lot of that from the Romney forces to Election Day and, if true, it could be quite effective. But quite the opposite is true. You probably know by now that the biggest help in Ohio's economy came from the auto industry bail-out that Romney and Kasich opposed. Do you recall Mitt's remedy for the ailing industry: Let Detroit go bankrupt.
Romney is given to saying nutty things, like his solution to immigration: Self-deportation. Or his cowardly reponse to Rush Limbaugh's reference to Sandra Fluke as a slut. "That's not the language I would have u ded," Mitt meekly demurred.
All over the state, beginning with the recovery of a stricken area like Youngstown, there is growth. GM, an industrial giant targeted for bankruptcy by Romney, has already announced it will build the 2015 Chevrolet Cruze there. And what about the smaller companies in the chain that will now be able to supply a healthier auto industry?
I once thought that Mitt and his Wingman, Paul Ryan, were making all of this up to win an election. But now I keep recalling George Costanza's profound words on Seinfeld:
"It's not a lie if you believe it."Mitt believes it. That should worry all of us more than his flagrant lies.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
In campaign mode: Pursuing the American Dream
With my computer down for a couple of days, I had plenty of time to think about Mitt Romney's businessman's approach in calling for the "American Dream". It's the safe term that so often rises to a candidate's lips when chauvinistic wholesomeness is necessary in the heat of a campaign. In lands I've visited overseas, I can't say I've ever heard anybody else attach their country to a dream. The Italian Dream? The German Dream? The Irish Dream? Well, if you press them on the topic, the Irish do dream of Guinness flowing from their home faucets someday. In Italy, they will tell you about anchovies. And a German's happiest moment is a well prepared schnitzel.
As I sat through larger-than-life moments of the convention, the American Dream became something we could all realize if we put our mind to it - or had a rich father. After all, it was a spectacle of sworn honest discourse, soaring promises and, of course, an empty chair. Based on Clint Eastwood's creaky comments, including a raunchy reference to President Obama, shouldn't someone have rushed onstage to offer him a rocking chair instead? (Mitt, the "we built it guy", is said to have tumbled with laughter. Didn't anybody first check to see whether the chair was built in China?)
Back to the American Dream. The profile of the delegates was that they were white, male, and older.
I fully qualify. So my dreaming took me back to my teenage days, when I wanted to be a professional baseball player. Then, a pianist for a small jazz group. Then, as a journalism student, a successor to Edward R. Murrow. Then a best-selling author. Finally, my own villa in Umbria. Mitt: I regretfully have to tell you: Except maybe for the villa, I tried. I really did. And none of the dreams came true.
Maybe I should have aspired to being a politician like you, standing before a big friendly audience, confidently into yourself with that Mona Lisa smile, and insisting that the American Dream does include everybody if you work at it - and have a very rich father.
My father's only dream for me was that I hang out in a small garage in a coal-miners town and run his business. Since I was foolish enough to prefer reading Hemingway and Faulkner and engaging in other dead-end personal diversions instead of poring over General Motors parts catalogs, I had to move on. Folks, I'm not complaining about a lost family business opportunity, but a low-paying newspaper job in another state was the least painful way to get around my father's dream.
By the way, now that you mention it so often, Mitt: What is the American Dream?
As I sat through larger-than-life moments of the convention, the American Dream became something we could all realize if we put our mind to it - or had a rich father. After all, it was a spectacle of sworn honest discourse, soaring promises and, of course, an empty chair. Based on Clint Eastwood's creaky comments, including a raunchy reference to President Obama, shouldn't someone have rushed onstage to offer him a rocking chair instead? (Mitt, the "we built it guy", is said to have tumbled with laughter. Didn't anybody first check to see whether the chair was built in China?)
Back to the American Dream. The profile of the delegates was that they were white, male, and older.
I fully qualify. So my dreaming took me back to my teenage days, when I wanted to be a professional baseball player. Then, a pianist for a small jazz group. Then, as a journalism student, a successor to Edward R. Murrow. Then a best-selling author. Finally, my own villa in Umbria. Mitt: I regretfully have to tell you: Except maybe for the villa, I tried. I really did. And none of the dreams came true.
Maybe I should have aspired to being a politician like you, standing before a big friendly audience, confidently into yourself with that Mona Lisa smile, and insisting that the American Dream does include everybody if you work at it - and have a very rich father.
My father's only dream for me was that I hang out in a small garage in a coal-miners town and run his business. Since I was foolish enough to prefer reading Hemingway and Faulkner and engaging in other dead-end personal diversions instead of poring over General Motors parts catalogs, I had to move on. Folks, I'm not complaining about a lost family business opportunity, but a low-paying newspaper job in another state was the least painful way to get around my father's dream.
By the way, now that you mention it so often, Mitt: What is the American Dream?
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