Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Santorum to Todd Akin: Go for it!

If quasi-priest Rick Santorum has any plans for self-sainthood, he's going about it in an odd way. Now that Rep. Todd Akin, the Missouri  Republican who made the term "legitimate rape" "a household term (as in House of Representatives) has decided to stay in the Senate race, Santorum apparently has no misgivings about vigorously  endorsing him.  Akin is trying to unseat Democratic U.S.Sen. Claire McCaskill, whom the  GOP right-wing would prefer to be back in the kitchen.   Santorum puts it this way:  If the Republicans hope to take back the Senate, they'll have to throw out McCaskill and any oddball Republican successor will do.     Machiavelli is alive and well in some political precincts.

1 comment:

  1. Not even Machiavelli would stoop (or fall) this low.
