Saturday, April 16, 2011

Kaisch & Rushbo: From one throne to another

"I wonder what the king is doing tonight" - From Camelot

WELL, I CAN tell you what King Kasich was doing shortly after he announced his state budget! He was hanging out with his buddy, Rush Limbaugh.

The Columbus Dispatch reported on Friday that the governor was interviewed by the right-wing Round Man on the latter's radio show, thus affording Kasich an opportunity to enter his comfort zone where he could lament that a lot of people don't like him anymore because of his heroic effort to create better lives for later generations of Ohioans. How entirely inspirational for others who might be bearing the same burdens with their constituents.

According to the Dispatch report, Kasich told Limbaugh that he wanted to "heal the divisions" arising from his bold initiatives on collective bargaining and other issues.
"But Kasich," the paper said, "also discussed his resolve, given the unpopularity of portions of his agenda with some groups. He blasted President Barack Obama for his approach to cutting the federal budget deficit and reminisced about his days in Congress and as a Fox TV analyst.

"Limbaugh's praise for Kasich's performance as governor was effusive. Limbaugh encouraged Kasich to stay the course amid opposition from Democrats."
Kasich got mushy at times, invoking his mother as a source of his strength when the whole world seems to be against him. He also credited his work with Fox News for making him a "better communicator". He added:
"I've just got to have the right motives. It cannot be about John Kasich. This has to be about Ohio and, as long as that's the case, I'm going to do fine."
But should we really feel that good about anything in Buckeyeland knowing that Rushbo is one of his go-to guys?

And whenever he says it's not about him, but about Ohio, beware. It's about him. Always has been.

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